Chenhao (Vito) Wu

Short Bio

I am a 4th year Ph.D. candidate at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Guoliang Xing. My research interests span various aspects of Computer Systems with a special focus on computer networks and networked systems. I am dedicated to some of the technically challenging problems in the real world and enjoy building engineering-heavy systems to generate real impact for a wide range of applications.

Prior to my Ph.D. study, I received my bachelor degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. My past experience lies in GPU-SM architectural design (GA102/GH102 ISA), and 802.11/LTE/5G-based protocol design (PHY/MAC). I am especially fortunate to have sensed the beauty of computer system design with my mentors in NVIDIA and learned how to do solid system research from Prof. Jun Huang, Prof. Shenghao Yang, and Prof. Ximing Fu.

Research Interests

Networked Systems Network Measurement Wireless Networks


  • Linux Kernel C/C++
  • x86/ARM/GPU Assembly
  • CUDA, OpenCL, OpenGL
  • Python, Perl
  • OpenMP, MPI, Pthread, Athread
  • Vtune, gprof, Valgrind
  • VHDL, Verilog
  • 802.11/LTE Protocol Stack
  • JavaScript, Flask, MySQL
  • git, perforce, gdb


Industrial Experiences

GPU Architect, Streaming Multi-Processor Team
April 2020 - November 2020
  • Propose and investigate architectural ideas based on quantitative study of existing and projected SM architecture.
  • Develop performance and functional simulation models.
  • Develop performance and functional test plans to validate new SM architectural features.
  • Maintain test cases and debug on simulators, RTL and real silicon.

Research Experiences

Graduate Research Assistant
August 2021 - Present
Build future wireless networking systems and applications with multiple antennas.
  • Design, build, and validate system to enable sensing applications (indoor navigation, gesture recognition, and human detection) utilizing 802.11 beamforming reports as a new sensing source.
  • Design and build system to provide highly reliable and spatial-aware infrastructure-to-vehicle networking services for autonomous driving applications (collaborative perception, detection, and planning).
Research Assistant, System Developer
July 2018 - August 2019
Participated in the development of a new wireless multi-hop protocol.
  • Design and implementation of the routing system in BATS protocol.
  • Produce throughput and latency testings for tuning the internal parameters of BATS protocol.
  • Implemented a multi-hop video streaming demo on BATS protocol.
  • Assembled and deployed 16 roadside units with basic computing and communication capability.

Teaching Experiences

Teaching Assistant:
  • IERG3310: Computer Networks, 2022 Spring/2023 Spring, CUHK
  • IERG3080: Information and Software Engineering Practice, 2022 Fall, CUHK
  • IEMS5718: Web Programming and Internet Security, 2024 Spring, CUHK
  • IEMS5710: Cryptography, Security and Information Privacy, 2024 Fall, CUHK
  • IEMS5722: Mobile Network Programming and Distributed Server Architecture, 2021 Fall, CUHK
  • IERG4230/IEMS5727: Introduction to Internet of Things, 2023 Fall, CUHK

Professional Services

Invited Reviewer:
  • IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, IEEE Internet of Things Journal


  • BeamSense: Estimating multi-path channel from bidirectional 802.11 beamforming reports
  • dpkt-80211CBR: Packet parser of 802.11 beamforming reports
  • RTL8814au-ext: Realtek 8814au driver with dynamic MCS rate control
  • cudaReducedKeccakPreimage: Finding preimage of 4-round Keccak using GPU
  • MQSolver: Multivariate Quadratic system solver with AVX512 acceleration